lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Poker dreams

In response to a Foucault's post,

I wasn't sure to post about my first poker dream, but now you gave me the excuse to do it:
"We were three people just left on the friendly home game, with every of us having between 20 and 40 usd. It was late night, so we decided to play the last hand. Maybe we were little drunk so we started discussing about going "All-in Blind". Somehow we decided to do so, and moved happily all of our stacks up front.

Cards were dealt, 2c 3c 2s.
I then saw my cards: Ac As
The player on my right took a glance on his cards, and quickly removed his stack from the center of the table, putting it back to him. The other player and I argued about that, but teh player on my right said he has not commited to the "All-in blind", that he tought we were joking. We fought verbally for some time, until we convinced him to keep on the initial agreement. Once we were set, I more than happily flipped my pocket Aces.
Then the player on my right flipped his cards: 7d 2h
What, a set of deuces?.......Of course, he won.
The question on my head: did he do it on purpose (acting like he did not want the All-In) or maybe he just saw at first the 7, and not the winning Deuce?
For sure, I dont know how to know"

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